Monday, March 30, 2009


Well, since the election is long gone, I will start campaigning for 2012. I would like start to by saying that Gladys Knight would have saved the economy by now. You might think I'm joking, but here are some serious reasons.

First, Gladys Knight wouldn't try to destroy private industry in a search for equality. Some are currently labeling the country's new legislation as Socialism. Of course, that's just silly, because there have always been aspects of socialism in our free market - socialism continuum. You can look at every aspect of government involvement in our lives and place it anywhere on that continuum. For example, the financing of education has been socialist in the US for years. All of us are asked to sacrifice so that children can go to school for "free". This has been so ingrained in our society that we don't think of education as an industry, but government. However, the latest move to force the CEO of GM out of his office is horrible. It is perfectly legal, but it is horrible. It was one way that the President has always held more power than he should. While he can't tell a company to fire someone, he can say that he will not provide government funds of one kind or another unless that person no longer works there. Just let GM fire him if he's that bad. Also, why him, why did the President single out this man, when the CEOs of other companies who are taking bailout money are just as bad.

Second, Gladys would give hope, not fear. The stock market doesn't represent the value of a company, but the perceived value of a company. If America thinks a company is making poor decisions, they will try to sell the stock and people won't buy it, so they will have to lower the price in order. A company can be making a profit and have the value of their stock fall. So, while it would be wise to tell people to prepare for hard times, calling this a crisis will probably hurt more than help. This is one area that President Bush succeeded at. Everyone laughed that he refused to call this a recession, but it was a display of hope and confidence in our economy.

Finally, Gladys Knight would save this by being Gladys Knight. How could an economy not do better with her behind the wheel?