Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tea Time

While I didn't attend the Tea Parties, I'm sure Gladys Knight did. Here is the situation as I see it. Since the Great Depression, the Federal Government has grown far too large and powerful. I'm certain, but I wouldn't be surprised if the every employee in Federal Government for the first 10 Presidents could have all fit into our current Capitol Building. Now, the Federal Government is probably one of the largest employers in the country. Think about it, how many other companies in the U.S. are spending over 3 trillion dollars this year? I am convinced that almost every framer would be appalled to see how large our government is now. Lets just go back to having a Supreme Court, Legislature, Presidency, and military.

I personally feel that the Supreme Court should strike down every pork barrel project that isn't clearly justified as falling under Federal Jurisdiction. While building something like a library in Chicago is good idea, that has nothing to do with the Federal Government, and they shouldn't be paying the bill with even a penny of my money. Congress does have power over appropriations, but that should be limited to dealing with national issues.

So how do we stop this? If your Representative or Senator has voted yes to a single piece of legislation, they've probably voted for pork projects. If legislation they wrote is passed, then you know for certain they've voted for many of their colleagues projects. I supposed one way to take care of this would be to demand that bills are separated more, but that would require thousands of votes. Maybe they could at least put all the pork into one separate bill, instead of tagging it onto a very popular bill. All I know is the current system is corrupt, and unconstitutional.

Finally, I'll just say that if Texas wants to leave the Union, they have the money, and the authority. It would hurt the nation, but it would at least send the signal that we can't continue down this immoral (yes, it's immoral to steal billions from the masses) road.